シンシナティ小児病院 生殖科学部門 博士研究員

【団体名】:シンシナティ小児病院 生殖科学部門



米国シンシナティ小児病院 生殖科学部門のSK Dey labでは博士研究員を募集しています。Dey教授は女性生殖系研究、特に着床研究における権威であり、これまでに多くの日本人が留学しています。今回は着床または胎盤の研究に従事する研究員を募集しております。詳細にご興味のある方は、
SK Dey (sk.dey@cchcm.org)もしくは共主宰者のXiaofei Sun (xiaofei.sun@cchmc.org)

Dr. SK Dey group (Lova Riekert Chair and Professor of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation) is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow.Dr. Dey has been studying in the field of female reproduction for more than 40 years. He was awarded the Carl G. Hartman award (2008), the most prestigious award in reproduction field, and the IVI Foundation Award for the Best Clinical Research Record in Reproductive Medicine (2009). Pregnancy is a complex process, comprising ovulation, fertilization, preimplantation embryo development, oviductal embryo transport, embryo implantation, uterine decidualization, placentation and parturition. They are all critical, and failure at any of these events compromises pregnancy outcome. Implantation is the first direct encounter between the embryo and mother, while parturition is the end of this encounter, although soluble factors from the uterus and/or embryo influence the embryo-uterine dialogue prior to implantation. Therefore, implantation and parturition conceptually, physiologically and clinically are two distinct conundrums with different molecular and genetic signatures. While implantation failure is a significant cause of infertility and a clinical issue in IVF programs, preterm birth and prematurity, on the other hand, are problems that continue beyond birth, posing a huge long-term social and economic liability. Dr. Dey has published more than 400 articles in respected journals, including Cell, Nature, Science, Nature Medicine, JCI, Genes&Development, Nature review Genetics, PNAS, Nat Communication and Development. Currently, Dr. Dey is serving JCI and Science Translational medicine as a consulting expert.
Design, execute, and record laboratory experiments, and analyze the data.
Research and improve current methods and evaluate innovative techniques. Implement this knowledge in the Division/Department.
Present research at laboratory meetings, journal clubs, seminars, and meetings.
Draft, write, and edit scientific reports, papers, journal articles, abstracts, and grants.
Attend required Cincinnati Children’s training sessions and ensure regulatory compliance with all policies and procedures.
Perform other duties as assigned.

Qualifications: Doctoral degree in Biological Sciences, Physiology, Pharmacology or related field.

【処遇・待遇】:Compensation: $56K+/year with medical and dental insurance.

