兵庫県立大学大学院理学研究科 生命科学専攻 生体物質構造解析学部門 生体物質構造学I 分野



募集人数 : 助教 1名

所 属 : 大学院理学研究科 生命科学専攻 生体物質構造解析学部門 生体物質構造学I 分野

専門分野等: 新しい構造生物学を展開し、生体高分子の構造機能相関を理解する先進的な研究に意欲的に取り組んでいただける方。着任後は、緒方教授と協力して研究を推進していただける方。

教 育 : 大学院理学研究科および理学部において、学生実験(基礎的な酵素学実験など)および研究指導に参加していただきます。

応募資格 : 着任時に博士の学位を有し、上記の研究・教育を行うのに十分な業績と熱意をお持ちの方。
(2024 年3 月末までに博士学位取得見込みも可。)

着任時期 : 令和6 年4 月1 日(予定)

任 期 : 5 年(再任をする場合は、1回を原則とし、再任後の任期は5年とする。)ただし、就任中に優秀な業績があり、かつ能力を有する者については、再任後学内の選考により講師(任期無し)に昇任できる制度があります。

提出書類 :
(1) 履歴書(本学所定の様式※)
(2) 研究業績リスト(原著論文、総説、著書、その他に分類すること)
(3) 主要論文別刷またはコピー(3 編以内)
(4) これまでの主要な研究業績の概要(1000 字程度)
(5) 今後の研究と教育に対する抱負(1000 字程度)
(6) 科研費などの競争的研究費の取得状況(代表、分担を明記のこと)
(7) 推薦書1 通(書式自由)
https://www.sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp/staff/index.html からダウンロードすること。
注)原則として応募書類は返却しません。(1)-(6)の書類の印刷体(各一部)とそれらの書類をPDF ファイルとして保存したUSB メモリあるいはCD-R 等を同封すること。(7)推薦書は、推薦者からの直送、または厳封の上で他の書類に同封すること。

選考方法 : 書類選考および面接。面接の際の交通費は応募者の自己負担とします。

公募締切 : 令和5 年9 月15 日(金曜日) (必着)

書類送付先: 〒678-1297 兵庫県赤穂郡上郡町光都3 丁目2 番1 号
兵庫県立大学大学院理学研究科長 小林寿夫
経営部総務課気付 TEL:0791-58-0101
封筒に「生体物質構造学I 分野助教応募書類在中」と朱書し、簡易書留で郵送のこと。

問合わせ先: 〒678-1297 兵庫県赤穂郡上郡町光都3 丁目2 番1 号
兵庫県立大学大学院理学研究科 緒方英明
TEL:0791-58-0179(直通) E-mail: ogata[at]sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp
※本研究科のホームページのURL は、https://www.sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp です。


Position Announcement
Graduate School of Science
University of Hyogo
Hyogo, Japan

Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo invites applications for a full-time, Assistant Professor position.
University of Hyogo is actively promoting diversity and inclusion. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability and other diverse backgrounds. We explicitly invite women qualified in research and education to apply.

1. Position:
A full-time, Assistant Professor position.

2. Affiliation:
Laboratory of Protein Crystallography, Division of Structural Analysis of Biomolecules, Department of Life Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo.

3. Research field:
We encourage applicants who have a talent and enthusiasm for education and research to study protein structure and function by advanced techniques, including protein crystallography. The applicants are expected to collaborate with Professor Ogata to promote their research.

4. Education duties:
The successful candidate is expected to conduct the following educational duties.
1) Education for undergraduate school: Training course for experiments of biochemistry (protein purification and enzymatic activity measurements).
2) Education for graduate school: Teaching and research training at Laboratory of Protein Crystallography.

5. Qualifications:
1) Candidates have completed their Ph.D. or doctoral degree.
2) Candidates will have a distinguished research record and enthusiasm to carry out the research and teaching.
Japanese language proficiency is mandatory for the education duties.

6. Term:
The contract will start on April 1, 2024.
Term of office: A five-year period. Reappointment for another five-year period is possible under reviews in our university.
There is a system in which those who have excellent achievements and abilities can be promoted to a lecturer (with no term) by selection within the university after reappointment.

7. Application Requirements:
1) Curriculum vitae (using the format provided by our department*)
2) List of Publications— please separate original papers from the others
3) Reprints or copies of significant peer-reviewed papers (up to three papers)
4) Summary of research achievements— about 500 words (English) or 1,000 characters (Japanese)
5) Proposal for future research and education plans— about 500 words (English) or 1,000 characters (Japanese)
6) List of research grants received
7) One recommendation letter (any format)
*The format of curriculum vitae is available for download at the website:
Please submit the printed paper versions of all necessary documents together with a USB memory stick or CD-R that contains the documents (1)-(6) in PDF format. The recommendation letter may be sent directly from the referrer to the submission address below. Or, the letter in a tight seal may be enclosed in other documents.

8. Application deadline: September 15, 2023

9. Application Procedure:
All applicants should submit their applications via registered post mail to:
Hisao Kobayashi, Dean
Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo
Koto 3-2-1, Kamigori-cho, Ako-gun, Hyogo 678-1297, Japan
TEL: +81-791-58-0101
(Please label “Application for Assistant Professor Position for Laboratory of Protein Crystallography” on the front of the envelope)

10. Selection:
Screening of the documents and interview. The interviewee has to pay his/her own travel expenses to attend the interview.

11. Contact:
If you have any questions, please send an email to ogata[at]sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp (Please use the @ sign instead of [at])

12. Others:
1) University of Hyogo is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from female researchers as well as non-Japanese researchers are encouraged.
2) The submitted information will be strictly managed under the privacy policy of University of Hyogo and will be used only for this selection.
3) The submitted materials will not be returned.
For more information: https://www.sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp/english/index.html