東北大学大学院生命科学研究科 教授またはテニュアトラック准教授


1. 募集教員:教授またはテニュアトラック准教授 1名

2. 所属:東北大学大学院 生命科学研究科

3. 専門分野:生命科学

4. 応募資格:以下のすべてに該当する方

5. 担当講義:

6. 着任時期:2023年4月1日以降のできるだけ早い時期

7. 提出書類(日本語または英語):

(10) (4)で挙げた主要論文5編のPDF

8. 応募方法:
Web申請フォーム(https://forms.gle/eCE4MnCxcuSbwc9y9)に必要事項を記入の上、申請フォームの指示にしたがって提出書類A(ファイル名: [氏名_A])および提出書類B(ファイル名: [氏名_B])をアップロードしてください。上記URL経由で提出できない場合には、以下の問い合わせ先にご連絡ください。

9. 応募締切日:

10. 問い合わせ先:
東北大学大学院生命科学研究科 杉本 亜砂子(選考委員長)
電話:022-217-6124  e-mail: asako.sugimoto.d1@tohoku.ac.jp
東北大学大学院生命科学研究科 総務係
電話:022-217-5702  e-mail: lif-soumu@grp.tohoku.ac.jp

11. 待遇:

12. その他:
・本研究科に関する詳細はホームページ (http://www.lifesci.tohoku.ac.jp/) をご覧下さい。
・東北大学は多様性、公正性、包摂性(Diversity, Equity & Inclusion : DEI)を向上させる活動を推進しており、多様な人材の積極的な応募を歓迎します。
東北大学 DEI 推進宣言WEBページ: http://tumug.tohoku.ac.jp/dei/
・東北大学には全学教職員が利用できる川内けやき保育園(定員22名)、青葉山みどり保育園(定員116名)および、星陵地区の方が利用できる星の子保育園(定員 120名)があり、全国の国立大学の事業所内保育施設として最大規模の保育環境が整っています。また、大学病院内に軽症病児・病後児保育室もあり、全学教職員が利用できます。
 ・男女共同参画推進センターWEBページ: http://www.tumug.tohoku.ac.jp
 ・人事企画部WEBページ: https://c.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/jinji-top/external/a-4-kosodate/



Recruitment of a Professor or Tenure-track Associate Professor Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University

The Graduate School of Life Sciences at Tohoku University promotes advanced research and education in life sciences, covering all levels from molecules, cells, and organisms to ecosystems. We provide excellent research and educational environments with faculty members and students with diverse backgrounds, and aim to develop new research fields through active interdisciplinary collaboration.
We seek an internationally competitive investigator to fill a professor or tenure-track associate professor position in the research field related to 1) evolution or ecology, or 2) molecular/cellular/organismal/interspecies interactions.

1. Number of positions and Job title: One position open for a professor or tenure-track associate

2. Position affiliation: Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University

3. Research field: Life Sciences

4. Required qualifications:
The candidate must meet all the following criteria below:
・Conducts original and outstanding research in biological sciences
・Explores new and/or multi-disciplinary research fields related to 1) evolution or ecology, or 2) molecular/cellular/organismal/interspecies interactions
・Has the necessary qualities to ensure research compliance and ethics, and to contribute to the education and administration of the Graduate School

5. Educational duties:
The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses in the Graduate School and General Education for undergraduates. In addition, the candidate may be asked to participate in undergraduate education in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science.

6. Starting date: April 1, 2023

7. Application documents (in Japanese or English)

[Document A]:A PDF file containing the following (1) –(9)
(1) Curriculum vitae
(2) List of research achievements (research papers, reviews, books, invited talks, etc.)
・Please mark with an asterisk (*) the papers for which the applicant is the corresponding author.
(3) Summary of research activities (in 1,000 words or less)
(4) Summary of five primary research papers (in total, 500 words or less)
(5) Future research plans (in 750 words or less)
(6) Summary of educational experiences and aspirations for education in the future (in 750 words or less)
(7) List of competitive research funding obtained in the past 10 years
(8) Other achievements (awards, patents, academic conference activities, etc.)
(9) Contact information of references (two persons)
[Document B]: A PDF file containing the following (10)
(10) PDF files of the five primary publications listed in (4)

8. Submission of the Application Documents:
Please fill out the Web Application Form (https://forms.gle/eCE4MnCxcuSbwc9y9) and upload Document A (file name: [SURNAME_GivenName_A]) and Document B (file name: [SURNAME_GivenName_B]) according to the instructions on the application form. If you cannot submit the application form/document via the URL, please contact us at the contact information below.

9. Deadline of application: September 30, 2022

10. Contact:
Professor Asako Sugimoto: asako.sugimoto.d1@tohoku.ac.jp
General Affairs Section: lif-soumu@grp.tohoku.ac.jp
Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8577 JAPAN

11. Compensation:
・Annual Salary System (According to the rules of Tohoku University).
・Transportation, housing, and dependent allowances may be provided depending on conditions.
Working hours: Discretionary Working System for Professional Work. Flexible Work Hours: As a basis, 8:30 – 17:15, but left up to the discretion of each employee.
・Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, holidays prescribed by the National Holiday Act, the days from December 29 to January 3.
・Insurance: Admission into the Mutual Aid Association of MEXT, Unemployment Insurance, Worker’s Compensation Insurance.

12. Additional Information:
・Short-listed candidates may be invited for an interview.
・The professor and tenure-track associate professor will be expected to run an independent laboratory. After assuming the position, one assistant professor (with tenure) will be assigned.
・If hired as a tenure-track associate professor (five-year term), a tenure review will be conducted before the expiration of the term. If approved, a tenured professor position will be offered. If not approved, a term extension of up to two years may be granted upon review.
・For more information about the Graduate School of Life Sciences, please visit our website (https://www.lifesci.tohoku.ac.jp/en/).
・Tohoku University promotes activities to increase Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and encourages people of varied talents from all backgrounds to apply for positions at the university. Tohoku University’s website about the DEI Declaration is here: http://tumug.tohoku.ac.jp/dei/
・Pursuant to Article 8 of the Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment, Tohoku University shall, as a measure for increasing the presence of women among the academic staff, prioritize the hiring of women deemed qualified for each job opening, based on the impartial evaluation.
・Tohoku University has the largest on-campus childcare system of all Japanese national universities. This network comprises three nurseries: Kawauchi Keyaki Nursery school (capacity: 22) and Aobayama Midori Nursery school (116), both open to all university employees, as well as Hoshinoko Nursery school (120), which is open to employees working on Seiryo Campus. In addition, Tohoku University Hospital runs a childcare room for mildly ill and convalescent children which is available to all university employees.
・See the following website for information on these and other programs that Tohoku University runs to assist work-life balance, to support researchers, and to advance gender equality, including measures to promote childcare leave among male employees.
 • Tohoku University Center for Gender Equality Promotion website: http://www.tumug.tohoku.ac.jp
 • Human Resources and Planning Department website: https://c.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/jinji-top/external/a-4-kosodate/