団体名 または 会社名 | University of Michigan Medical School |
募集職種 | Postdoctoral fellow |
募集人数 | 1 人 |
募集分野・業務内容 | Postdoctoral Scholar in Colitis/Sepsis Research A postdoctoral position is available immediately for a highly motivated individual to study host-microbiota interactions in colitis and sepsis in the Inohara Lab at University of Michigan Medical School. The candidate will work on funded projects focused on defining and characterizing host and microbe factors important for colitis, sepsis and infectious diseases using molecular and microbiological techniques in mouse models. |
応募資格 | The successful candidate is expected to have strong critical thinking and communication skills, be well organized, and display initiative and enthusiasm. Candidates should have a doctoral degree and a strong background in immunology and molecular biology. Experience with microbiology is desirable but not required. |
提出書類 | Interested applicants should submit cover letter, CV, and names of three references via email to: Dr. Naohiro Inohara Department of Pathology University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan email: ino@umich.edu |
選考方法 | |
着任時期 | immediate to 12/30/2016 |
勤務時間 | flexible |
勤務形態 | full time |
勤務地 | 1150 W. Medical Center Dr., Ann Arbor, MI |
処遇・待遇 | |
応募締切日 | the position is available until filled |
参考URL | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?dispmax=100&term=inohara%20n%5BAU%5D%20AND%20ann%20arbor%5BAD%5D%20 |
特記事項 | University of Michigan offers a world-class academic environment and a vibrant and large community of postdoctoral fellows. We are located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which has an excellent environment for living with high standard levels of science, education and nature, and abundant opportunities for intra- and inter-institutional collaborations. |
■書類提出先 | |
郵便番号 | 48109 |
住所 | 1150 W. Medical Center Dr. |
部署名 | Department of Pathology |
担当者名 | Naohiro Inohara |
■問い合わせ先 | |
部署名 | Department of Pathology |
担当者名 | Naohiro Inohara |
TEL | 7349363317 |
FAX | |
E-mailアドレス | ino@umich.edu |